
Final practical short case

Feb 08,2022   A 50 year male farmer ,manual labourer,brought to casualty with h/o altered sensorium since 1 day H/o fever since 4 days. HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS - Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4 days ago,then he developed fever which is high grade,No diurnal variation, associated with chills. No h/o cough and GE symptoms.  Attenders tells h/o stoppage of OHA for 3days, h/o decreased intake of food as he has fever. H/o altered sensorium since 1 day. Irrelevant talk,not recognising attenders since this morning . Able to move all four limbs,No h/o vomitings, head ache, seizures. Took him to nalgonda hospital, TLC-13,000:POT-5.0:CREATININE:2.9 SHIFTED HERE FOR FURTHUR MANAGEMENT.  PAST HISTORY -  H/o TB 2YRS back used ATT for 6 months. Diagnosed as Type -2 Diabetes mellitus on OHA 1 YR back. No H/O HTN,CVA,CAD,COVID-19. PERSONAL HISTORY : DIET - MIXED, APPETITE -NORMAL , BOWEL MOVEMENT - REGULAR ,  BLADDER MOVEMENTS - REGULAR, ADDICTIONS-H/O SMOKING 30yrs ago(1 pack per day)- 

Final practical long case

A 40 yr old female with severe anaemia   February 07, 2022 A 40 yr old unmarried female c/o Generalized weakness since 1yr Decreased appetite since 1 yr Bleeding PV since 4 days She is a second born child of her parents ( 3rd degree consanguinous marriage) HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient attained menarche at the age of 14, since then cycles were regular, with normal flow initially. 4-5 days /month, no clots, dysmenorrhea.  LMP- 05/02/2022 But since 6 months she has increased bleeding during her cycles. 6months patient went to other private hospital where she was diagnosed with low Hb% and advised for blood transfusion which was not done and patient was not on any medication for anaemia. HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS: Not a k/c/C/o DM, HTN, thyroid, epilepsy, asthma. PERSONAL HISTORY: Unmarried  Occupation -11th standard  Appetite decreased since 2ys only 1 meal /day Non-vegetarian  Bowels -constipation  Micturation-normal  No known allergies  No addictions  General examination Patient is

Prefinal examination

1.Heart failure  2.Define cirrhosis of liver .Etiopathogenesis of liver .Brief on clinical features ,diagnosis ,treatment of cirrhosis of 3.Renal calculi 4.Etilogy of pleural effusion.and diagnostic criteria. 5.Diagnosis and treatment of dengue fever . 7.Treatment of acute pyelonephritis  8.Treatment of abdominal tuberculosis  9.Etiology and treatment of pneumonia. 10.Complications of dialysis  11.Ascitic fluid analysis  12.Proton pump inhibitors  13.Afterload reducing agents in heart failure  14.Urinaty tract infections  15.Differential diagnosis of fever with rash  16.Insulin therapy in diabetes mellitus  17.Antihypertensives drugs in chronic renal failure  19.criteria for diagnosing infective endocarditis  20.Hormones secreted by pituitary gland